Write for Yourself, and Wisdom Will Follow

Writing has helped me realize that a wiser version of myself is accessible when I need that person the most. This post explains how it can do that for you too.
Writing has helped me realize that a wiser version of myself is accessible when I need that person the most. This post explains how it can do that for you too.
Life shocks are hard, but their ability to slow down time helps build the groundwork for the future.
Here are three important things to keep in mind as we look ahead to a brighter tomorrow.
Philosophy gets a lot of things right, but lately, it’s been doing everything wrong. Here’s what we can do to bring it back on track.
Defying convention might feel special, but in reality, it just makes you a member of the Contrarian Herd.
Our relationship with money is complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a clear framework to help guide you through this often hazy topic.
All the desires we have originate from the same four things. Once we learn how they work, we can finally free ourselves from the cycle of conflict.
In the haze of everyday life, it’s hard to be thankful. This post details one simple thought experiment that can make it easier.
Why do we think death is bad? Why is something so normal so feared? Death is here to defend his name, and he has a lot to say.