More To That

An illustrated, long-form blog that delves deeper into the things that make us who we are.

The Gift of Challenge

If you don’t do what’s important today, you’re robbing yourself of the gratitude you’ll feel tomorrow.

There’s Nothing More Real Than Your Potential

Don’t be fooled by what you can’t see.

On Living in a Burnout Society (Video Reflection on March 2021)

A video reflection on the nature of burnout, the incessant need to produce, and the overemphasis on consistency.

A World Driven by Incentives

A reflection on the nature of incentives, and how they test some of our deepest ethical intuitions.

Reflections on July 2020

A reflection on pursuing questions as opposed to answers, working on just one thing, and the fluidity of attention.

Rethinking Productivity

“Productivity.” Some of you may roll your eyes at that word, while others just can’t get enough of it. What have we gotten right about productivity, where have we gone wrong, and what has worked for me?

The Reciprocity of Interest (A Reflection)

When you show interest in others, it’s only inevitable that everyone will be interesting. This is a reflection on the reciprocal nature of curiosity.

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