More To That

An illustrated, long-form blog that delves deeper into the things that make us who we are.

Burnout Is the Echo of Self-Judgment

We work hard to achieve freedom, but this quest makes us believe we are never good enough.

The Fallacy of a Just World

Free yourself from the thought that you deserve anything.

The Tension Between Art and Money

How to balance inner exploration with outer acceptance.

On Pain, Suffering, and Hope

The best way to divorce pain from suffering is to give yourself space to talk about your pain.

Status and the Illusion of Progress

The pursuit of status is the antithesis of knowing yourself.

Value Is Not Essence

How do we accept what we simply are, while also knowing that there’s something we’re trying to become?

The Trouble With Transcendence

There’s a fine line between transcendence and insanity.

Frictionless Creativity

Creativity is a virtue because it’s the purest form of self-acceptance.

Being Poor vs. Feeling Poor

What seems like a “money” question is always a “story” one.

The Function of Education

“The goal is not to advance knowledge, but to be in the know.”

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