More To That

An illustrated, long-form blog that delves deeper into the things that make us who we are.

Welcome to Patron-Only Content!

In addition to the main posts on the home page, More To That patrons have access to exclusive content, all of which can be found on the Reflections section of the website.

If you’d like to access the content via the More To That site (where you’re at now), here are the steps you can take to do so:

(1) Log into your Patreon account here.

(2) When you see the following dialog box, click “Allow”.1

(3) Once your account has been validated, you will be redirected back to More To That, where you are now logged in as a patron (you should now see a bar on top of the site that looks something like this):

(4) As long as you’re logged in or you don’t delete your browser’s cookies/cache, you will be able to access patron-only content anytime you go on the site.

Enjoy all the extra stuff!

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