Happy 1st Birthday, More To That
Today is More To That’s birthday, so this is a good time to thank you for all the love and support you’ve provided over its first year of existence.
The first post went up on March 21st, 2018, and since then, I’ve put up 9 more, rounding out the total to 10 posts as of today. That may not sound like a lot, but given the length and time required to create some of these posts, I’m quite happy with how things have turned out.
It appears that others are enjoying the blog as well. With thousands of readers across 100+ countries, More To That has become a place where readers from all around the world have come to hang out, delve into a variety of topics, and spend time exploring them alongside one other. This is an immense privilege for me, as your attention is the most valuable resource you could possibly give, and you’ve allocated some of it here.
In regard to progress, there were many things that went well for More To That in Year 1, but there are also other things that I want improve upon as well. One of these things has to do with experimenting with different styles of posts on the blog. So far, the posts have ranged from “long” to “fucking long” (with the exception of one short one), and I want to try out some new things so I can post more frequently, and get ideas out faster. I have a few ideas floating around in my head as to how I want to do this, so we’ll see how it plays out.
On a personal note, the next couple of months will be quite interesting.
My wife and I have decided to put our California-based lives on hold, and are going to spend a significant part of this year in Korea living with family. In fact, I get on a plane next week to see my parents =). This is one of those moments in life where we had to let go of some important things (like our jobs) and say bye to nearby friends (for now) so we could direct our intentions toward the people that matter most. This is something we’ve thought about for some time, and now feels like right moment to do it.
I’m not sure what the future holds, but for now, my time in Korea will be about two primary things: (1) my family (which of course, includes the wifey), and (2) working on More To That. I will be traveling throughout April and May, but most of my available work time while in Korea will be spent on creating content and growing the site.
Of course, this will depend on how financially viable More To That can become. If that path to sustainability looks promising, then I can continue working on the blog with most of my working time. If not, then I’ll have to dedicate that time doing other things. The formula really is quite simple, so if you find More To That valuable, then this would be a good time to support its existence. Thank you to the amazing community of patrons that are already contributing to this project – you guys are the board members that help to keep things going.
Overall, there are a lot of changes happening, but I’m still as determined as ever to make More To That a priority. It’s been an exciting first year, and it truly is a privilege to do this kind of work. I’m very grateful for your readership, and for your companionship along this journey.