More To That

An illustrated, long-form blog that delves deeper into the things that make us who we are.

The Problem of What Others Think

“It’s the height of madness to worry about being despised by the despicable.”

Burnout Is the Echo of Self-Judgment

We work hard to achieve freedom, but this quest makes us believe we are never good enough.

A Few Lessons on Showing Up

You can make a first impression long before you meet its recipient.

Being Poor vs. Feeling Poor

What seems like a “money” question is always a “story” one.

The Levers That Money Can’t Pull

Money is a central character in the theater of life, but just a character nonetheless.

The Antidote to Envy

“Whatever I am, that I want to understand.”

The Riddle of Rest

What does it mean to rest when you’re valued by what you produce?

How to Beat Worry

how to beat worry

I wish I read this years ago. If you struggle with worry, this is for you.

The Survival Instinct of Money

The more money you have, the more you have to preserve. And the more you have to preserve, the more fear that surrounds its potential loss.

Knowledge Is Not Understanding

Don’t fall in love with your own intellect.

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