More To That

An illustrated, long-form blog that delves deeper into the things that make us who we are.

The Quest to the Unlived Life

Natural selection has created the only video game that matters in life. Here’s how to beat it.

How Natural Selection Screwed Us

Thank you, natural selection, for bringing us into existence, but damn… you sure did mess up a lot of things along the way.

Death: The Roommate of Life

I spent an inordinate amount of time thinking about death, and doing so has reframed my whole perspective on what it means to live a fuller life.

From Ignorance to Wisdom: A Framework for Knowledge

Giving birth to wisdom is a complicated thing. Here’s a roadmap that can help.

Knowledge Is Not a Thing

What is knowledge? In the age of misinformation, exploring this question is more important than ever.

Travel Is No Cure for the Mind

Travel is often seen as the key to happiness. Here’s why it’s not.

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